(727) 726-5336 • sales@mastercuttool.com
Previous Races
2022 Manufacturing Education 5K

On behalf of Mastercut Tool Corp. and The Shaluly Foundation, LLC, we would like to thank you very much for your
generous response to the 7th annual Manufacturing Education 5K, which was held on October 29th, 2022 in Safety
Harbor, Florida.
All proceeds totaling $29,616.75 will be equally distributed to the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Bay Area
Manufacturers Association, AmSkills and Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs.
This brings our cumulative 7-year total to $167,059.21 for deserving engineering and manufacturing workplace students.
By investing in education today, you are expanding students’ options for successful tomorrows!
We hope to see you next year at the 8th annual Manufacturing Education 5K on October 21, 2023!

2022 Race Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Other Sponsors
Waudco Sales- Bob Waud • METTLER TOLEDO • Swift Industrial Power • Briggs Equipment
2020 Race Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Other Sponsors
Waudco Sales- Bob Waud – Pro Tool & Weld Products, LLC – Steve Chiappe
TEKFAST Associates – ISS Inc. – Marc A Rizzo and Associates

Although our 6th Annual Manufacturing 5K was cancelled due to the pandemic, we are extremely grateful to our generous sponsors.
As a result, $13,207.26 was equally distributed to deserving engineering and manufacturing students through the following organizations:
SME, BAMA, AmSkills, and Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs.
Cumulatively, we have distributed over $136,000 since our first event in 2015.

5th Annual Manufacturing 5K Run or Walk for Education
Net proceeds of $31,140.00 have been distributed to deserving engineering and manufacturing students! This brings our cumulative 5-year total to $124,205.50 as together, we expand students’ options for successful tomorrows!
Diamond Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Other Sponsors
Waudco Sales- Bob Waud • Plasel Plastics, LTD. • HVS Vending Inc. • OrangeTheory – Clearwater
Parker Group • Clearwater Row House • Clean Juice
4th Annual Manufacturing 5K Run or Walk for Education
The 4th Annual Manufacturing 5K race was held on October 28th 2018. We raised a grand total of $24,143.20 that we distributed to the following entities for student scholarships: Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Bay Area Manufacturing Association, Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs, and this year the Florida Suncoast Manufacturing Association. Each organization was given $6035.
Over the 4 years we have held the event we are proud to have donated over $90,000 to manufacturing education.
2018 Sponsors
Diamond Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Other Sponsors
Waudco Sales- Bob Waud • American Tool and Mold • Plasel Plastics, LTD. • HVS Vending • St. Petersburg College • Fit2Run, The Runner’s Superstore
3rd Annual Manufacturing 5K Run or Walk for Education
The 3rd Annual Manufacturing 5K race was held on October 7th 2017. Proceeds were distributed to the following entities for student scholarships: Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Bay Area Manufacturing Association, Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs, and this year the Florida Suncoast Manufacturing Association.

2016 Manufacturing Day
Mastercut was awarded with a certificate of appreciation for contributing to the 2016 Manufacturing Day!

2nd Annual 5k – Run, Walk, Paddle
The 2nd Annual Manufacturing Run Walk Paddle for Education was held on October 22, 2016.
After enjoying a gorgeous sunrise over Tampa Bay, the event began at the marina and traveled south along the picturesque Bayshore Blvd. Enjoying Cooper’s Bayou Park before heading north back to the marina for refreshments and closing ceremonies. Thank you for helping us raise funds for deserving, future engineers! We had such a great time!! Proceeds will be distributed to the following entities for student scholarships: Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Upper Tampa Bay Education Foundation and a new edition this year, Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs.

Thank you to our 2016 Race Sponsors!!!
Our beneficiaries:
Florida Suncoast Manufacturing • SME • Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs
Platinum Sponsors
Mastercut Tool Corp. • Monin Gourmet Flavorings • Regions Bank • ARCW Insurance
Gold Sponsors:
TD Bank • Fitness 360 • Safety Harbor Resort and Spa • Logo HQ • Rollomatic • Agartha Books and Well Being
Silver Sponsors:
Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs • BELAC LLC • AMETEK • Southern Manufacturing Technologies • Advanced Roofing Inc
Bronze Sponsors:
Duke Energy • SME • Micros Systems Corporation • CONMED • APICS
Star Sign • Blaser.Swisslube • HydroDyne Engineering
Long and Associates Architects/Engineers • H&S SwansonTool Co.
Other Sponsors:
AFC Urgent Care • UPI Vending
5K Manufacturing Fun Run / Walk on October 24th, 2015
The first annual 5K Manufacturing Fun Run / Walk , sponsored by Mastercut Tool Corp. and The Shaluly Foundation was held on October 24, 2015. Proceeds were $22,649.73 and distributed equally between Upper Tampa Bay Education Foundation and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Each entity received $11,324.37 for future engineering students’ scholarships.
Mastercut Tool Corp. (c) 2021